60 Easy Arabic Words for Beginners: Meanings and Pronunciations


Learning Arabic can seem daunting, but starting with simple, commonly used words can make the process easier and more enjoyable. In this blog post, we’ll introduce you to 60 easy Arabic words along with their meanings and pronunciations to help you get started. These words will give you a solid foundation and boost your confidence as you begin your Arabic learning journey.

Basic Greetings
  1. مرحبا (Marhaba) – Hello
  2. صباح الخير (Sabah Al-Khair) – Good morning
  3. مساء الخير (Masa’ Al-Khair) – Good evening
  4. مع السلامة (Ma’a As-Salama) – Goodbye
  5. نعم (Na’am) – Yes
  6. لا (La) – No
Common Phrases
  1. شكرا (Shukran) – Thank you
  2. من فضلك (Min Fadlak/Fadlik) – Please
  3. آسف (Asif) – Sorry
  4. كيف حالك؟ (Kayfa Halak/Halik) – How are you?
  5. أنا بخير (Ana Bekhair) – I am fine
  6. ما اسمك؟ (Ma Ismak/Ismik) – What is your name?
  7. اسمي (Ismi) – My name is
  1. واحد (Wahid) – One
  2. اثنان (Ithnan) – Two
  3. ثلاثة (Thalatha) – Three
  4. أربعة (Arba’a) – Four
  5. خمسة (Khamsa) – Five
  6. ستة (Sitta) – Six
  7. سبعة (Sab’a) – Seven
  8. ثمانية (Thamaniya) – Eight
  9. تسعة (Tis’a) – Nine
  10. عشرة (Ashara) – Ten
Days of the Week
  1. الأحد (Al-Ahad) – Sunday
  2. الإثنين (Al-Ithnayn) – Monday
  3. الثلاثاء (Ath-Thulatha) – Tuesday
  4. الأربعاء (Al-Arba’a) – Wednesday
  5. الخميس (Al-Khamis) – Thursday
  6. الجمعة (Al-Jumu’a) – Friday
  7. السبت (As-Sabt) – Saturday
Useful Nouns
  1. بيت (Bayt) – House
  2. سيارة (Sayyara) – Car
  3. مدرسة (Madrasa) – School
  4. كتاب (Kitab) – Book
  5. قلم (Qalam) – Pen
  6. طاولة (Tawila) – Table
  7. كرسي (Kursi) – Chair
  8. نافذة (Nafitha) – Window
  9. باب (Bab) – Door
  10. مطبخ (Matbakh) – Kitchen
Common Verbs
  1. يذهب (Yadhhab) – To go
  2. يأكل (Ya’kul) – To eat
  3. يشرب (Yashrab) – To drink
  4. ينام (Yanam) – To sleep
  5. يعمل (Ya’mal) – To work
  6. يدرس (Yadrus) – To study
  7. يلعب (Yal’ab) – To play
  8. يقرأ (Yaqra’) – To read
  9. يكتب (Yaktub) – To write
  10. يشاهد (Yushahid) – To watch
Useful Adjectives
  1. كبير (Kabir) – Big
  2. صغير (Saghir) – Small
  3. جميل (Jamil) – Beautiful
  4. سعيد (Saeed) – Happy
  5. حزين (Hazin) – Sad
  6. سريع (Sarie) – Fast
  7. بطيء (Batie) – Slow
  8. رخيص (Rakhis) – Cheap
  9. غالي (Ghali) – Expensive
  10. جديد (Jadid) – New

Starting with these 60 easy Arabic words will help you build a strong foundation in the language. Practice their pronunciations and use them in everyday conversations to become more comfortable with Arabic. At Communicare, we offer personalized Arabic courses to help you progress from beginner to fluent speaker. Contact us today to start your Arabic learning journey!